Does your business understand its risks?

Systematic risk management is essential in modern business environment.

How do you ensure that you and your workers are as safe as they can be?

Health and safety should all be about risk management.  Unfortunately its not.  The modern business has to deal with hazards internally and externally, legal and other requirements, monitoring of health and records management, emergency and crisis management and return to work. Companies are forced to hire less skilled workers and often struggle with competencies, and tickets and licenses are no longer considered evidence of competency.

How does a person who is not fully competent, identify the right controls to manage the risk?

The answer is they cant and that's why courts hold verification of competency and consultation/communication so high.  No one wants their workers harmed, forget the gaol terms and costs/fines, managing health and safety is the decent thing to do.

As a Director or company officer, do you know your liabilities (I mean know - the facts)?.

Are you willing to bet your house/freedom on what you know/are told? 

Do you know if you are a company officer as per the Safety Legislation?

If you cant answer the above questions with 100% surety, you are not on your own.  Your business may need a health and safety management system.  Health and safety management systems all revolve around one model, plan. do, check, act.  It quite simple. Plan what your going to do, identify the risks and their controls, do the task, check that its done right and act on any opportunities for improvement.

If you need help in any of the 4 stages or (hopefully not) causation analysis (post incident assessment) call us, we are happy to help


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